Building Business Success by Exceeding our Customers’ Expectations
SPS organization is structured through Business Unit Managers who take leadership for the divisions of the company. Each Business Unit is comprised of various Operations Leaders who work with groups of Supervisors and Section Leaders.
Kei Sasaki
Steve Deckers
Vice President
Ron Hawco
Sr. Manager
Jason Wardle
Sr. Manager
George Degerness
Sr. Manager
Mike Reid
Sr. Manager
Building Business Success by Exceeding our Customers’ Expactations through the Satisfaction and Contribution of all Asociates.
Our Company ideal image is the framework our leadership team strives to accomplish each day…
1. Safety must be part of everybody’s job.
2. A place where people are proud to work.
3. Associates with high standarts and respect for fair rates and regulations.
4. Support the development of Associates.
5. Rely totally upon team effort to achieve goals.
6. A place where Associates feel that the company is one with the community.
7. Provide the best customer care.
8. Avoid creating problems for our customers: proactively identify potential issues.
9. Be sensitive and responsive to customers’ needs and rapid changes in the market.
10. Become the most advanced total logistics management expert.
Phone: 1- 705 -435-7814
Fax: 705-435-5029
P.O. BOX 905
6795 Industrial Parkway
Alliston, Ontario, L9R-1W1
Phone: 1-705-435-7814
Proud member of Honda Logistics Group.